Alphabetical list of emotions and feelings
Use this alphabetical list of emotions and feelings to help you increase your ability to identify your own and other people’s emotions. This is a core skill in love and closeness.
Having a greater emotional vocabulary has numerous benefits, including it helps you to understand yourself, accept yourself, use the information provided by your emotions, be less reactive and more assertive, understand others feelings and motivations, and connect with others in a meaningful way.
You can like or follow us on Facebook where we post an emotional vocabulary word of the day with its definition. This drip feed will help you to become fluent in speaking the language of emotion.
This is also available to download as a free, printable list of emotions and feelings, which you can edit to your needs.
- Abandoned
- Absorbed
- Abused
- Accomplished
- Addicted
- Adequate
- Admiration
- Admired
- Affectionate
- Affronted
- Afraid
- Aggressive
- Aghast
- Aimless
- Alarmed
- Alert
- Alive
- Alluring
- Alone
- Amazed
- Ambivalent
- Ambushed
- Amorous
- Amused
- Angry
- Angst
- Anguish
- Annoyed
- Anxious
- Appreciative
- Appreciated
- Apprehensive
- Argumentative
- Aroused
- Arrogant
- Artistic
- Ashamed
- Astounded
- Average
- Awake
- Awesome
- Awestruck
- Awful
- Awkward
- Bad-tempered
- Baffled
- Bashful
- Battered
- Battle-weary
- Beaten down
- Beautiful
- Belittled
- Belonging
- Bemused
- Bereaved
- Besotted
- Betrayed
- Bitter
- Blah
- Blamed
- Blank
- Bleak
- Blessed
- Bliss
- Blue
- Bored
- Bothered
- Boxed-in
- Braced
- Brave
- Brazen
- Breathtaken
- Broken
- Bruised
- Bubbly
- Buggered
- Bullied
- Bummed
- Burned
- Buzzed
- Caged in
- Calm
- Cantankerous
- Capable
- Cared about
- Cared for
- Carefree
- Careful
- Caring
- Cautious
- Certain
- Charmed
- Cheap
- Cheeky
- Cheerful
- Chilled
- Claustrophobic
- Clever
- Closed
- Clueless
- Clumsy
- Cocky
- Coerced
- Cold
- Comfortable
- Comfy
- Committed
- Compassionate
- Compelled
- Competitive
- Complacent
- Complete
- Complicated
- Composed
- Concerned
- Condemned
- Confident
- Confronted
- Confused
- Congenial
- Connected
- Conned
- Conscious
- Conservative
- Considerate
- Contemplative
- Contempt
- Controlled
- Cool
- Corrupted
- Courageous
- Cowardly
- Coy
- Cozy
- Crabby
- Cranky
- Crazy
- Crippled
- Criticized
- Cross
- Cruddy
- Cruel
- Crushed
- Curious
- Cursed
- Cut
- Cynical
- Damaged
- Damned
- Dangerous
- Daring
- Daunted
- Dazzled
- Dazzling
- Dead
- Debilitated
- Decadent
- Deceived
- Dedicated
- Deep
- Defamed
- Defeated
- Defenseless
- Defensive
- Defiant
- Deficient
- Deflated
- Degraded
- Dejected
- Delicate
- Delighted
- Delirious
- Deluded
- Demanding
- Demeaned
- Demonized
- Demoralized
- Demoted
- Depleted
- Deprived
- Desired
- Despair
- Desperate
- Despondent
- Destitute
- Destroyed
- Detached
- Determined
- Detest
- Devastated
- Deviant
- Difficult
- Diminished
- Dirty
- Disagreeable
- Disappointed
- Disapproving
- Disconnected
- Discontent
- Disdain
- Disenchanted
- Disgraced
- Disgust
- Dishonored
- Disillusioned
- Disinterested
- Dislike
- Dismayed
- Dismissed
- Disobedient
- Disorderly
- Disorganized
- Displeased
- Disrespected
- Dissatisfied
- Dissed
- Distant
- Distracted
- Distraught
- Distressed
- Distrustful
- Disturbed
- Dizzy
- Dominant
- Dominated
- Doomed
- Doting
- Doubt
- Down
- Downhearted
- Downtrodden
- Drained
- Dread
- Dreamy
- Dreary
- Drunk
- Dull
- Dumb
- Duped
- Dutiful
- Dynamic
- Eager
- Easy-going
- Ecstatic
- Efficient
- Elated
- Elderly
- Electric
- Elegant
- Elite
- Emasculated
- Embarrassed
- Embittered
- Emotional
- Emotionless
- Empathetic
- Empowered
- Empty
- Enchanted
- Encouraged
- Endeared
- Energetic
- Energized
- Engaged
- Engrossed
- Enjoyment
- Enlightened
- Enmeshed
- Enraged
- Enriched
- Entertained
- Enthusiastic
- Enticed
- Entitled
- Entrapped
- Entrepreneurial
- Envious
- Equal
- Erratic
- Established
- Esteemed
- Euphoric
- Evasive
- Evil
- Exasperated
- Excellent
- Excited
- Excused
- Exhausted
- Exhilarated
- Expansive
- Exploited
- Exposed
- Extraordinary
- Extroverted
- Fabulous
- Faded
- Faint
- Faith
- Fake
- Fallen
- False
- Famished
- Famous
- Fancy
- Fantastic
- Fascinated
- Fashionable
- Fast
- Fat
- Faulty
- Fear
- Fearless
- Fed up
- Feminine
- Festive
- Fidgety
- Fine
- Finished
- Fit
- Fixated
- Flabbergasted
- Flaky
- Flashy
- Flattered
- Flawed
- Flawless
- Flexible
- Flighty
- Flirtatious
- Flogged
- Floored
- Floundering
- Flourishing
- Flush
- Flustered
- Focused
- Foggy
- Foolish
- Forbidden
- Forced
- Forgetful
- Foggy
- Forgiven
- Forgiving
- Forgotten
- Forsaked
- Fortunate
- Foul
- Fragile
- Fragmented
- Frail
- Fraudulent
- Frazzled
- Freaked out
- Freaky
- Free
- Frenzied
- Fresh
- Fretful
- Friendless
- Friendly
- Frightened
- Frisky
- Frovolous
- Frolicsome
- Forward
- Frugal
- Fruitful
- Frustrated
- Fulfilled
- Full
- Fuming
- Fun
- Funny
- Furious
- Fury
- Fussy
- Futile
- Game
- Ganged up on
- Gay
- Generous
- Gentle
- Genuine
- Giddy
- Gifted
- Giving
- Glamorous
- Glee
- Gloomy
- Glorious
- Glowing
- Glum
- Gobsmacked
- Good
- Grand
- Grateful
- Gratitude
- Grave
- Great
- Greedy
- Green
- Grief
- Gross
- Grossed-out
- Grouchy
- Grounded
- Grumpy
- Guarded
- Guided
- Guilt
- Gullible
- Gumption
- Gutsy
- Gutted
- Haggard
- Half hearted
- Handicapped
- Hampered
- Handsome
- Hapless
- Happy
- Harassed
- Hard
- Hardy
- Harmonious
- Harried
- Hasty
- Hate
- Haughty
- Hazy
- Headstrong
- Healed
- Healthy
- Heard
- Heartbroken
- Heartsick
- Heavy
- Helped
- Helpful
- Heroic
- Hesitant
- Hideous
- High
- High-spirited
- Hilarious
- Hip
- Honest
- Honored
- Hoodwinked
- Hope
- Hopeful
- Hopeless
- Hormonal
- Horny
- Horrendous
- Horrified
- Horror
- Hostile
- Hot
- Humble
- Humbled
- Humiliated
- Humility
- Hung up
- Hung over
- Hungry
- Hunted
- Hurt
- Hyper
- Hysterical
- Icky
- Idiotic
- Idle
- Ignorant
- Ignored
- Ill
- Ill at ease
- Imbalanced
- Immature
- Impaired
- Impatient
- Imperfect
- Impotent
- Impoverished
- Impractical
- Impressed
- Imprisoned
- Impulsive
- In a huff
- In control
- In harmony
- In pain
- Inadequate
- Inappropriate
- Incapable
- Incapacitated
- Incensed
- Incompetent
- Inconsistent
- Incredible
- Indebted
- Indecent
- Indifferent
- Indignant
- Indulgent
- Inept
- Infatuated
- Inferior
- Inhibited
- Injured
- Innocent
- Insane
- Insecure
- Insufficient
- Insulted
- Intelligent
- Intense
- Interested
- Intimate
- Intimidated
- Intoxicated
- Introspective
- Introverted
- Intuitive
- Invalidated
- Invincible
- Invisible
- Involved
- Irate
- Irrational
- Irrelevant
- Irresistible
- Irresponsible
- Irritable
- Irritated
- Isolated
- Itchy
- Jaded
- Jarred
- Jazzed
- Jealous
- Jeapardized
- Jilted
- Jolly
- Jovial
- Joyful
- Joyless
- Joyous
- Julibant
- Judged
- Judgmental
- Jumpy
- Justified
- Keen
- Knackered
- Kind
- Kinky
- Knowing
- Known
- Kooky
- Lacking
- Laid-back
- Lame
- Languid
- Laughable
- Lazy
- Lean
- Lecherous
- Legitimate
- Let down
- Lethargic
- Liberated
- Lied to
- Lifeless
- Lifted
- Light
- Likeable
- Liked
- Listless
- Little
- Lively
- Livid
- Loathing
- Lonely
- Lonesome
- Longing
- Lost
- Loud
- Lousy
- Lovable
- Love
- Loved
- Loveless
- Loving
- Low
- Loyal
- Luckless
- Lucky
- Lust
- Luxurious
- Macabre
- Jad
- Magnificent
- Maimed
- Majestic
- Malaise
- Malice
- Malnourished
- Manic
- Marked
- Marvelous
- Masterful
- Maternal
- Mature
- Mean
- Measly
- Meditative
- Meek
- Melancholy
- Mellow
- Menacing
- Merry
- Mesmerized
- Messed around
- Messed up
- Micro-managed
- Mighty
- Mind-blown
- Mindful
- Minimized
- Miraculous
- Mirthful
- Misaligned
- Mischievous
- Miserable
- Miserly
- Misguided
- Misinformed
- Misinterpreted
- Misled
- Missed out
- Mistaken
- Mistreated
- Mistrustful
- Misunderstood
- Mixed-up
- Mobile
- Mocked
- Modest
- Molested
- Moody
- Mopey
- Morbid
- Morose
- Mortified
- Mothered
- Motherly
- Mournful
- Mucked up
- Murderous
- Mushy
- Mutinous
- Mysterious
- Mystified
- Nagged
- Naive
- Nasty
- Natural
- Naughty
- Nauseated
- Needed
- Needy
- Negated
- Negative
- Neglected
- Negligent
- Neighborly
- Nerdy
- Nervous
- Nervy
- Nettled
- Neutral
- Nice
- Noble
- Noisy
- Nonchalant
- Noncommittal
- Nonconforming
- Nondescript
- Normal
- Nostalgic
- Nothing
- Noticed
- Nourished
- Nudged
- Nullified
- Numb
- Nurtured
- Nuts
- Nutty
- Obedient
- Objectified
- Obligated
- Obliged
- Obliging
- Oblivious
- Obsessed
- Obsolete
- Odd
- Off
- Off the hook
- Off-balance
- Offended
- Okay
- Old
- On
- Open
- Open-minded
- Opposed
- Oppressed
- Optimistic
- Ordered around
- Orgasmic
- Ostracized
- Ousted
- Out of balance
- Out of control
- Out of place
- Out of sorts
- Out of touch
- Outdated
- Outdone
- Outgoing
- Outnumbered
- Outraged
- Outrageous
- Outspoken
- Over
- Over-done
- Over it
- Overcome
- Overjoyed
- Overlooked
- Overpowered
- Oversensitive
- Overwhelmed
- Overworked
- Owed
- Owned
- Pacified
- Pain
- Pampered
- Panic
- Paralyzed
- Paranoid
- Passed over
- Passionate
- Passive
- Paternal
- Pathetic
- Patient
- Patronized
- Peaceful
- Peckish
- Peeved
- Pensive
- Peppy
- Perfect
- Perfectionistic
- Perilous
- Perky
- Perplexed
- Persecuted
- Persuaded
- Perturbed
- Pessimistic
- Pestered
- Petrified
- Petty
- Petulant
- Phony
- Picked on
- Pigeon holed
- Pissed off
- Pitied
- Pitiful
- Pity
- Placid
- Plain
- Playful
- Pleasant
- Pleased
- Pleasure
- Poised
- Poisoned
- Polite
- Poor
- Popular
- Positive
- Possessed
- Potent
- Powerful
- Practical
- Pragmatic
- Precious
- Preoccupied
- Prepared
- Preposterous
- Pressured
- Pretentious
- Preyed upon
- Pride
- Primal
- Primitive
- Private
- Privileged
- Prized
- Proactive
- Productive
- Professional
- Progressive
- Promiscious
- Proper
- Prosecuted
- Prostituted
- Protected
- Protective
- Proud
- Provocative
- Provoked
- Prudish
- Pulled apart
- Pulled in
- Pummeled
- Punished
- Pure
- Purposeful
- Pursuant
- Pursued
- Pushed away
- Pushy
- Put down
- Put out
- Puzzled
- Quaint
- Qualified
- Qualmish
- Quarrelsome
- Queasy
- Queer
- Questioned
- Questioning
- Quick
- Quiet
- Quirky
- Quizzical
- Rad
- Radiant
- Radical
- Rage
- Randy
- Raped
- Rattled
- Raunchy
- Ravenous
- Ravished
- Raw
- Re-energized
- Reactive
- Real
- Reassured
- Rebellious
- Reborn
- Rebuffed
- Rebuked
- Recalcitrant
- Receptive
- Recharged
- Reckless
- Reclusive
- Reconciled
- Recovered
- Redeemed
- Reduced
- Refined
- Reflective
- Refreshed
- Refueled
- Regret
- Rejected
- Rejoicing
- Rejuvenated
- Relaxed
- eleased
- Relentless
- Relieved
- Religious
- Reluctant
- Remiss
- Remorseful
- Removed
- Renewed
- Renowned
- Repelled
- Repentant
- Repaceable
- Replenished
- Reprehensible
- Repressed
- Reprimanded
- Reproached
- Repulsed
- Rescued
- Resented
- Resentful
- Reserved
- Resigned
- Resilient
- Resisting
- Resolved
- Respected
- Respect
- Responsible
- Rested
- Restless
- Restrained
- Restricted
- Retaliatory
- Retarded
- Retured
- Reunited
- Revengeful
- Revered
- Revitalized
- Revived
- Revolted
- Rewarded
- Rich
- Ridiculted
- Ridiculous
- Righteous
- Rigid
- Ripped off
- Riveted
- Robbed
- Robotic
- Robust
- Romantic
- Rotten
- Rough
- Rude
- Ruffled
- Ruined
- Run down
- Rushed
- Ruthless
- Sabotaged
- Sacrificed
- Sad
- Sadistic
- Safe
- Sage
- Sane
- Sanguine
- Sapient
- Sarcastic
- Sardonic
- Sassy
- Sated
- Satisfied
- Saucy
- Saved
- Savvy
- Scandalized
- Scandalous
- Scapegoated
- Scared
- Scarred
- Scattered
- Sealed off
- Searching
- Second class
- Second rate
- Secure
- Sedated
- Seduced
- Seductive
- Seeking
- Seized
- Selected
- Selective
- Self absorbed
- Self acceptance
- Self assured
- Self confident
- Self conscious
- Self critical
- Self deprecating
- Self destructive
- Self disciplined
- Self effacing
- Self hatred
- Self indulgent
- Self loathing
- Self love
- Self pity
- Self reliant
- Self sacrificing
- Self serving
- Selfish
- Selfless
- Senile
- Sensational
- Sensible
- Sensitive
- Sensual
- Sentimental
- Separated
- Serene
- Serious
- Set up
- Settled
- Sexy
- Shaken
- Shallow
- Shame
- Sharp
- Sheepish
- Sheltered
- Shielded
- Shocked
- Shortchanged
- Shot down
- Shouted at
- Shredded
- Shunned
- Shut out
- Shy
- Sick
- Sickened
- Side-lined
- Significant
- Silenced
- Silly
- Simplified
- Sincere
- Sinful
- Single
- Singled-out
- Skeptical
- Skilled
- Slack
- Slandered
- Sleepy
- Slighted
- Sloshed
- Slothful
- Slow
- Sluggish
- Slutty
- Sly
- Smart
- Smacked
- Smashed
- Smitten
- Smothered
- Smug
- Sneaky
- Snobbish
- Snubbed
- Sociable
- Soft
- Sold
- Solemn
- Solid
- Somber
- Soothed
- Sophisticated
- Sore
- Sorrow
- Sorry
- Sound
- Sour
- Sparkling
- Special
- Speechless
- Spellbound
- Spent
- Spirited
- Spiteful
- Splendid
- Spoiled
- Spontaeous
- Spooked
- Squashed
- Squeamish
- Stable
- Stale
- Startled
- Starved
- Static
- Stereotyped
- Stern
- Stifled
- Still
- Stilted
- Stingy
- Stirred
- Stoic
- Strained
- Stranded
- Strange
- Stressed
- Stretched
- Stricken
- Strong
- Stubborn
- Stuck
- Stuffed
- Stumped
- Stunned
- Stunning
- Stunted
- Stupid
- Stylish
- Suave
- Subdued
- Submissive
- Successful
- Suffering
- Suffocated
- Suicidal
- Sulky
- Sullen
- Sunny
- Super
- Superb
- Superficial
- Superior
- Superstitious
- Supported
- Supportive
- Suppressed
- Sure
- Surly
- Surprised
- Surreal
- Surrendered
- Surveyed
- Suspended
- Suspicious
- Swamped
- Sweet
- Swell
- Swindled
- Switched on
- Sympathetic
- Sympathy
- Talkative
- Tame
- Tanked
- Tearful
- Teary
- Temperamental
- Tender
- Terrific
- Terrified
- Terror
- Testy
- Thankful
- Thirsty
- Thin skinned
- Thoughtful
- Threatened
- Thrilled
- Tickled
- Tickled pink
- Timid
- Tired
- Tolerant
- Torn
- Touched
- Touchy
- Tranquil
- Trapped
- Tricked
- Triggered
- Trolled
- Troubled
- Trusted
- Trusting
- Turbulent
- Turmoil
- Ugly
- Unappreciated
- Uncertain
- Unconcerned
- Uncomfortable
- Undecided
- Understanding
- Understood
- Undone
- Uneasy
- Unforgiving
- Unhappy
- Unimpressed
- Unique
- Unnerved
- Unresponsive
- Unsettled
- Untrusting
- Up
- Upset
- Used
- Useful
- Useless
- Vain
- Vengeful
- Vibrant
- Vicious
- Victimized
- Violent
- Visionary
- Vulnerable
- Wanting
- Warm
- Wary
- Weary
- Well meaning
- Wicked
- Wilful
- Wiped out
- Wise
- Wistful
- Withdrawn
- Witty
- Woeful
- Wonder
- Wonderful
- Worn out
- Worry
- Worthy
- Wretched
- xenophobic
- Yearning
- Youthful
- Yucky
- Zealous
- Zen
- Zestful
- Zonked
Reading through this alphabetical list of emotions and feelings would have helped you build your emotional vocabulary. This will help you increase your ability to identify your own and other people’s emotions, which is a core skill in love and closeness.
Remember to like or follow us on Facebook to get the emotional vocabulary word of the day with its definition. Build up your familiarity with the subtleties of different feeling words with a regular drip feed of new words.
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